
Margaret Lucille Holder Collins

Born  September 29, 1914 in Greensboro, NC
Died  June 24, 2010  in Charleston, SC

Gene Collins

3 Grandchildren:
William (Billy) married Tracie
Odette Richey
John Collins

A Special Tribute By Mark Podmore

Margaret always loved to crochet homemade afghans. Whenever one would visit her house, she always had her knitting needles and yarn next to her chair in her den. She made them for almost everyone in the family and they were always a sight to behold! They were beautiful! Margaret never had a bad thing to say about anyone; she was an elegant lady who cherished each and every person in her life. Ernest Collins was the consummate gentleman; he was never seen without a dress shirt, slacks and a tie. He always “dressed to the nines” and would often wash his car while wearing dress shirt, tie and slacks!

Margaret and Ernest always loved to take trips; they always had new cars and they would often drive to Columbia just for lunch. You never knew where Margaret and Ernest would end up; sometimes they would drive and drive until they found a fun place to stop for the night! They even surprised Gene Collins and his family when they showed up at their door in Texas! They were true Nomads; long before the term came into vogue.

At Aunt Margaret and Uncle Ernest’s house at Christmas, there were always electric candles in each window, a Christmas tree placed on an end table in front of the picture window and a felt-covered Santa and reindeer on top of the console television in the living room. Margaret had a poodle named BeBe and Margaret or Ernest would ask BeBe “where’s Santa Claus”? BeBe wasted no time in running into the living room and barking at the Santa on top of the television. Even when BeBe’s sight was gone, BeBe could always find Santa Claus at Christmas time. Margaret gave that Santa to Mark Podmore and he displays it with pride every Christmas!