
Violet Mae Holder

Born: May 25, 1916 in Greensboro, NC
Died: July 11, 1980 in Charleston, SC

June 26, 1938
Frederick Eugene Bishop (January 10, 1912-October 12, 1991)

2 Children:
Cheryl Ann Bishop (July 23, 1944) married William Everett Mushrush (September 22, 1942) on April 14, 1968

Frederick Eugene Bishop, Jr. (December 15, 1946) married Loris

5 Grandchildren:
Laura Elizabeth Mushrush (December 23, 1970) to John Edward Ezzell (December 20, 1968) on December 22, 2007

Jane Ellen Mushrush (November 3, 1977) married John Edwin Sageser (April 13, 1978) on May 20, 2000

Christopher Lane Bishop (October 4, 1974)

Allison Mae Bishop married John Lucas

Bonnie Bishop married Mark Wells

7 Great-Grandchildren:

Justin Douglas Mushrush (Laura) - October 17, 1988

Logan Alexander Ezzell (Laura's stepson) - August 12, 1993

Justin Paul Ezzell (Laura's stepson) - October 23, 1996

Ethan Ben Sweat (Laura) - Stillborn December 11, 2000

Nathan Riley Sageser (Jane) - January 27, 2004

Evan Bennett Sageser (Jane) - April 28, 2007

McLeod Bishop (Chris) -

Rachel Lucas (Allison) -

A Special Tribute

By Mark Podmore

Violet always had a heart of gold! She was always glad to see a visitor at her front door; even when it was a surprise visit. Violet always served sweet tea in jelly glasses and had delicious six ounce Coca-Colas in the refrigerator! There was always something good to eat; whether it was pound cake or chocolate chip cookies.

Uncle Gene could always be found in the living room watching television. It never bothered him when a pack of screaming youngsters would visit; it wasn’t until years later that many of us cousins realized Uncle Gene was hard of hearing. Their house was filled with many beautiful antiques; family heirlooms. There was even a beautiful vintage doll house in one of the bedrooms upstairs. Aunt Violet was always a surrogate mother to all of the Holder cousins because of her cheery, welcoming nature. When the cousins would visit, the aunts would all sit at Violet’s kitchen table, sipping coffee or drinking iced tea while the children would scream and play outside! As stated earlier, musical chairs on Violet’s front porch was always a blast!